The Fermilab Bird List: Page 5

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Survey period 1. Survey period 2. Survey period 3.
Survey period 4. Survey period 5. Survey period 6.
Survey period 7. Survey period 8. Pre-survey records.
Click on the bar charts to see larger versions.
Long-billed Dowitcher 
American Woodcock 
Wilson's Snipe 
Spotted Sandpiper 
Solitary Sandpiper 
Lesser Yellowlegs 
Greater Yellowlegs 
Wilson's Phalarope 
Red-necked Phalarope 
Red Phalarope 
Bonaparte's Gull 
Laughing Gull 
Franklin's Gull 
Ring-billed Gull 
Herring Gull 
Iceland Gull 
Lesser Black-backed Gull 
Glaucous Gull 
Caspian Tern 
